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You had met his father already, unfortunately.He had talked about you to her much before and she expressed her desire to meet you, the person who had brought her son so much happiness (which you had almost had a panic attack over because that’s a whole new level to your relationship). It was his mother who first brought it up to him, after he had brought you to visit her for the first time.In all honesty, if you’re dating Shoto, you know that he’s not the best when it comes to feelings and quite possibly the furthest person from experienced when it comes to relationships so chances are that you don’t really expect anything from him like cute nicknames.So needless to say, he didn’t have even the most vague idea of where to begin when it came to your relationship. The closest terms of endearment that he has in his life is his father calling him ‘boy’ or ‘child’, and he only vaguely remembers his mother calling him a few things like ‘honey’ or ‘dear’. This boy grew up with little affection in his life.With out wasting any more time, I hope you enjoy this! Until next time! I promise that as soon as I get caught up on my school work and complete my online class that I’ll try to update more frequently and on a schedule. Thank you all for being so patient with me.

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